The Tale of a Sorceror

Below is my Wizard101 fanfic that I have been working on for a little over a year. I started one night when I was bored. When I started, I planned for maybe 5 chapters. As I am on Chapter 55,  I think we can agree that I exceeded my original plans by more than a little bit. Not to brag, but my story DOES have over 9,000 views on Central. I hope you enjoy it; if you have any comments or constructive criticism, or you see a grammatical or spelling error that you want to have me correct, just comment below.

________________________________Chapter One______________________
I handed the test to Mr. Lincoln and hoped for the best. I really, really wanted to be storm. Something to make my parents proud. My Mother was a grandmaster diviner, and had given me a head start at Storm. I had learned every spell up to lightning bats. We stopped there because they kept zapping everyone.

The test got handed back to me the next day (which my mother said was a miracle, hers took 3 months) with a big red stamp saying “BALANCE” on it. With only having read a couple of words of the enclosed letter We have read over your answers and found you would fit best in the school of Balance, I ran up to my room, opened the door to the tower, climbed the narrow steps, and cried in the corner of the room at the top.
My mother came up and said “I’m so glad to have a Sorceror in the family again. You know, your grandfather was a Sorceror!”
“He WAS?! I thought Balance was where they stuck all the people who couldn’t do anything else. I even hard Merle Ambrose doesn’t do Balance!”
“Balance is where they ‘stick the people’ as you put it that can do above and beyond the rest! Merle Ambrose wasn’t even supposed to be Headmaster. Your Grandfather was next in line.”
“Really? Then how come Merle Ambrose is the headmaster?”
“Your Grandfather- died about 5 months into the job. Merle Ambrose was to take over Ravenwood if anything were to happen to his brother.”
I perked up. “You mean?”
“Yes. Merle Ambrose is your great uncle.”

________________________Chapter Two______________________________
I tinkered with that over the next few days. Merle Ambrose is my great-uncle. Merle Ambrose is my great-uncle. Merle Ambrose is my great uncle.
It was kind of wierd that I was related to the headmaster of Ravenwood.
I wondered about it. Why? How? Why did I not know about it? How did my grandfather die?
The next minute I was back in reality, realizing that I ran into a death student, and knocked his papers all over the ground.
“As if studying and learning to be a necromancer isn’t hard enough all ready!” He said.
He waited a couple seconds, and then said: “Well, aren’t you going to help me pick these up?”
“Roar!” I muttered under my breath.
“Who are you?” I asked.
“Alex- who? Alex MoonWillow? Alex-“
“Just- call me Alex.”
Chapter 2, Part 2.
That night, I looked around the house for my mother. I saw a light coming from the attic, and decided that if I couldn’t find her out here, she would have to be up there. But- I just couldn’t help myself. I climbed the rickety fold-out ladder up to the attic.
“Honey!” my mom called from downstairs. I ignored her.
I saw a light shining perfectly down upon a little box. There were no windows in the attic, so I decided to investigate.
I went over there and opened up the box. Inside was a birth certificate.
It read: Elizebeth Drake. My mother.

__________________________Chapter Three_________________
“What are you doing?” inquired my mother.
“YOU LIED!” I screamed, half sobbing. “How could you!! How?”
“How could I what??”
“You always said you were a Krendall! How could I have lived with you for 13 years and not known you were Malistaire’s daughter!”
A while after, my mother came to my room.
“Sorry.” she said. “I should have told you before. The- the- the time was never right. Now that you know you must guard this secret with your life. You must never tell anybody. I think even Merle Ambrose has forgotten. We must keep it that way. “
“Why?” I asked.
“Malistaire has many of his people out there. They are everywhere. If he finds out-“
“I see.”
“Never tell anybody. That ‘Alex’ you bumped into earlier- he could even be one of his people. We must guard this secret with our lives. We all- our entire family must. You do not want to see what it would be like if Malistaire knew.”

_________________Chapter Four_________________
“Time to go to school today!” said my mother the next morning. “Finaly time.”
“Hey!” said my older brother, Aedan. “Here’s a little tip: get to class on time, do your assinments right (and on time), and every once in a while, give Arthur Westerfield a little something to remind him of home. That’s what all my Balance friends told me worked best to get their professor to like them.”
“Well, I hope you have a good time in class!” My mother and father both said at once.
“I will, oh I will.” I assured them both.
I was walking down the street towards Ravenwood. And guess who I saw? Alex.
“Hey!” he called to me like we were old friends. “What class are you atending?”
“Balance with Arthur Westerfield.”
“Isn’t it wierd?”
“Well, we know eachother better than we know any people other than family, and we both go to the only classes that don’t have a school in Ravenwood. It’s- it’s- like were destined to- do- something.”

_______________________Chapter Five____________
“Okay, Okay. Group A! Let’s see how your scarabs are doing! Cody! Can you cast a scarab for me?” Said Arthur Westerfield. Cody muttered some words under his breath, and some sand apeared. A few seconds later, a scarab came from under the sand.
“Pretty good, but try to take a few seconds off the time the scarab is under the sand.”
“I’ll certainly try my best, sir!” Cody replied.
“Please, call me Mr. Westerfield.”
“All right then!”
“All right… um… You there!”
“Me?” I asked.
“Yes, you! Can you cast a scarab for me??” ‘Mr. Westerfield’ inquired.
“Sure!” I replied. I chanted some words quietly. loud enough for the spirits to here them, but no one else. All the sudden, a very large beetle apeared in the sand.
“Make it go back!!”
“Why?” I asked while willing it to get back in the sand. A couple seconds later, the sand disapeerd.
“I have to admit, that that could kill Lord Niteshade in one hit!”
“Who’s he??” I asked.
“You’ll- you’ll- you’ll find out later. Now how about you move up to Scorpian…”
______________________________Chapter Six____________________
“How was school today, honey?”
“I’ve already learned sandstorm!”
“Yes. Mr Westerfield moved me up to group ‘B'”
“Oh, that’s just great!” my mother hapily answered.
“How about we go to the ice school for ice cream to celebrate!” asked my dad.
“Sure!” All of us answered.
As we were right in front of the ice school doors, we heared Cyrus Drake talking to one of his students.
“DO NOT talk to Lady Oriel!” Cyrus Drake told one of his students.
“Yes Sir!” they answered.
“And DO NOT come back untill you find those Trufalla leaves. If you come back without them, I will talk to the Headmaster, and have you expelled!”
“Okay- er-uh Yes Sir!!”
“Yes, Yes.”
As she hurried past us, my dad said “Still sending you on that ol’ wild goose chase, eh?”
“What do you mean?” she asked.
“I mean those don’t really exist.”
“You mean I WILL be expelled??” she inquired.
“Yes. Unfortunately, yes.”
She started crying. “After what happened to my parents… Myth Magic is all I have.” she sobbed.
“Wait- what happened to your parents…”

_______________________Chapter Seven__________
“They- They disapeared.” the girl sobbed. “The Headmaster says that they were taken.”
“By who?”
She gave that look that could only mean one thing. Malistaire.
“I can’t believe he changed so much”my mom said to dad.
“All I have is Myth Magic and now it’s going to be gone!”
“Wait- do you live in an orphanage, or alone?” my mother inquired.
“Witch one?”
“Grahm Orphanage.”
“That’s the one they took me when I was found.”
“What do you mean, ‘found’?”
“I ran away from my dad. You know how Ambrose always finds his students!”
She started to vanish. “Wait! What’s your name?” Before she could answer she had vanished.
“Hmmm…. Hmmm… Let’s see. Hmmmm…. The only one who fits the discription ‘s name is Elizebeth.” The adoption officer at the Grahm Orphanage said.
“Just Elizebeth. We couldn’t manage to find her last name.”
“Could we see ‘Elizebeth’?”
“Sure. Girls room. Upstairs. Self Explanitory, but if not-“
“I can find it on my own.”
“Okay then!”

_______________________Chapter Eight___________
“Wait!” The adoption officer put down his donut, set down his coffee, and started to dash after me.
“Are you-Thinking about- adopting her?”
“Yes. Why are you so surprised?”
“It’s just that-“
“What? No one likes her? What? She’s been here nearly her entire life and no one wanted her? Please. I got that all the time when I stayed here.”
“You- Stayed… HERE!”
“How would you feel- about a new member to the family?” my mother said to our father; John, in private.
“How?” he asked.
“Do you remember that Myth Girl?
“I’m thinking about adopting her.”
“Adopting her!? Why-” he said in a loud-ish tone “Think that is one of the best ideas you’ve ever had.” he said softer.
__________________________Chapter Nine________
I decided to leave for school early that day. I didn’t need to, I just wanted to. Balance students don’t walk through much of Ravenwood, and lately, It’s been like something has been calling to me.
When I got there I realized I was not the only one who left early. I saw one of the Storm students running around franticly saying: “THE GATE IS OPEN!! WAKE Up!!”
I looked back and saw that Alex had just got here. He was standing almost frozen in the gateway. Frozen exept for one thing. He was laughing his head off.
Cyrus Drake was the first one to awake from his slumber. He heared what the Storm student was wailing, looked at Alex, and said: “You are in a lot of trouble, young wizard. A lot of trouble. With not a moment longer, Alex was being lead out of Ravenwood, and towards Headmaster Ambrose’s House by the Proffesor of Myth Magic.
BLANG! BLANG! BLANG! BLANG! Lessons had begun.

_______________________Chapter Ten____________
I didn’t go directly back home. I had to find out what was calling to me. I went over to the death school- or what was left of it.
“Boo.” someone said behind me. (between you and me; that did scare me)
I turned around and found one of the life students. A grandmaster I soon found out.
“I’m Fiona. Grandmaster. Life School. Student of Sylvia Drake.”
“If you’re a grandmaster, what are you doing here??”
“I watch out for Merle Ambrose. Someone needs to keep an eye out for him.
The Student from earlier came over. “Hi! I’m Allia Seabreeze. Storm School. I haven’t been studying for long, but I’ve learned all spells up to Triton. What are you two still doing in Ravenwood? Shouldn’t you be home already?
“My mom isn’t expecting me for a while.”
“I don’t have to be to the dormitories for- well- There is not time I have to be there.”
“Well you should get going now.”
And so we did.
We were sitting silently at the table. My Mother was first to break the silence.
“I’ve been thinking- Your father and I have been thinking of adopting that girl we saw the other day.”

______________________Chapter Eleven___________
We rode up to the Grahm Orphanage. When we got there, we got off our brooms, and went in to the adoption office.
“We would like to adopt Elizebeth.” The adoption officer dropped his donut into his capuchino wich he then spilled everywhere. “What do we have to do to welcome her to the family?”
“Sign this and never let me see her again!” My Mother signed the paper and we ran down the hall to go and tell ‘Elizebeth’ the news.
We ran into her room and said: “Welcome to the Family!!!”
Merle Ambrose was dreaming…
“Come to me Brother! Come to me…”
“Where?” he mumbled.
“The Well of Spirits in Krokatopia… Come quick…”
______________________Chapter Twelve__________
“Oh. My. GOSH!!” Elizebeth yelled with exitement. She started to cry tears of happiness. “I can’t believe- are you lying to me?”
“Nope. Everything is sugar free- or should I say- lie free.”
“mmm hmmm!”
“How about we go home and show you around your new home!”
“That would be wonderfull!”
“Now. Here’s your room- why don’t you two share the tower.” My Mother said to me and Elizebeth.
“OK!” we both said at the same time.
“How about you call me Eliz. That’s what my friend called me before the where addopted.”
“Perfect.” we said.
“I mean: Perfect Eliz!”
Merle Ambrose was dreaming…
“Come to me Brother! Come to me…”
“Where?” he mumbled.
“The Well of Spirits in Krokatopia… Come quick…”

_____________________Chapter Thirteen__________
I ran to Merle Ambrose’s house as soon as lessons were over. When I got in, Merle Ambose’s pet owl, Gamma, greeted me and said in her screechy voice: ” He will be out in a minute, he’s consulting with one of his students.”
Fiona and the headmaster came walking down the hall behind the desk. they apeared to be talking about a matter of importance.
“And, again, how many wizards can come with me?”
The rest I couldn’t hear. All the sudden, Merle Ambrose looked up and saw me. “Oh, Sorry, Young Wizard! I’ll be with you in just a momment.” he started walking over to me.
“Now, what can I help you with?”
“I was wondering if you knew what happened to Alex.”
“He’s death. Cyr- Proffesor Drake brought him here a couple of days ago.”
“Oh, that Alex! He’s on temporary suspension. It should end tomorow.”
“What did he do?”
“He opened the Ravenwood Gate.”
“I have two things. Number One: What’s so bad about the Ravenwood Gate being opened early?”
“The undead can get the proffesors, and even worse- Malistaire.”
“And Number Two. It wasn’t him.”
“Then who was it?”
____________________Chapter Fourteen___________
“Well, then who was it?” Ambrose asked.
I remembered seeing a little glimpse of a face in the gatekeeper’s tower. It was just a little glimpse- not enough to go on.
“I’m not sure, but I know it wasn’t him.”
The Death School was on a field trip today, so I could’t see Alex. What I DID see was Cody slip away from lessons (my group was on break), and aproach the ‘Death School’, or where it used to be.
I saw what apeared to be Malistaire- probably the same magic as a crystal ball- rise up from the pit that was there.
“How Could you?” ‘he’ asked Cody.
“Don’t worry, they don’t suspect it’s me.”
“You need to be more careful”
“Yes, yes, I know. I will be.”
“And about that ‘message’?”
“Ambrose is falling for it. He’s sending wizards there. They should be there in a matter of days.”
“Exellent. When the proptector- the life- Fiona- when she leaves, Ambrose is completely defenseles towards me!”
‘Malistaire’ started to laugh, and then the form that apeared to be him started to float back down. Cody turned around. And saw me.

_______________________Chapter Fifteen_________
I started running as fast as I could. It wasn’t fast enough. He was too quick. He had caught me.
“Thought you could outsmart me? Ha!”
“Help!” I screamed. Cody shoved a gag in my mouth before I could finish. He took me to Golem Tower, I think, bound my arms and legs, and tied me to the celing.

“Have you seen that one wizard- he’s in your class.”
I shook my head.
“Well, if you see him give him this.”
It was Fiona, the headmaster’s guard. She handed me a message.
“Please don’t read it.”
“Don’t worry about a thing.”
Cody came back to the tower. He was carrying a message. I could tell it wan’t his. He opened it up.

______________________Chapter Sixteen__________
He opened the envelope.
“Ooo. Looks like your little friends need some help with a quest. Well, I would be happy to help.” he waved his wand and turned into- well- me. “Being Malistaire’s henchman DOES have it’s benifets.”
All I could do was mumble. It’s not like Cody could understand what I was saying.
“I’ll just go and tell your mom that you’re leaving. Don’t worry. I’ll keep your little friends out of trouble!” he chuckled.
`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~ `~`~`~`~`

“Well, It’s time to leave!” said Merle Ambrose’s protector.
We opened the door inside Bartleby, and changed the dial on the inside to ‘KT’ for Krokatopia. We stepped in, and fell into Blackness.
`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~ `~`~`~`~`

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!” I screamed, as my mouth melted away. “What’s haaaaaaaaapppppppppppeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiii innnnnnnnnnnggggggg!!!!!?” I demanded.
“The form you’re in is melting away. Don’t wory, you’ll only be bodyless for a minute. Your cosience will switch to the other one that’s ‘unmelting’ in Krokatopia.” Fiona calmly replied.
I screamed back.
We shortly were basicly lost, in the darkness. We then went through the ‘unmelting process’ that Fiona had been talking about. Slowly, our vision returned, showing us… Krokatopia’s famous Oasis.
“Well, that wasn’t so hard, was it?”

______________________Chapter Seventeen_______

There were more people there than you would expect to find in a desert wasteland. Way more.
“Hi!” I jumped. I turned around and saw an Ice wizard. They had to be Ice. Their skin saw pale, and their clothes were light blue with white trim: Something that could only mean one thing. They were Ice.
“I’m Alex Moon. I’m an Ice wizard.”
“Oh, great.” There was a too-happy quality about him. “Did Merle Ambrose send you here? That’s how everyone got here. Well, exept the Kroks, Manders, and Marleybonian Archeologists… Oh! I trailed off again. Why did Ambrose send you here?”
“We don’t quite know.” said Fiona. “All we know es that we have to go to the Well of Spirits.”
“I can take you there…”

_______________________Chapter Eighteen________

“I can take you there.” Alex Moon said.
“No thanks.” I replied. “I’ve been here before, I know my way around prety decent.”
“Please. I need to do it- I mean that I need to go there anyway, And they have some new shortcuts that go right past the enemies, you don’t have to fight them at all!”
“Oh, fine. But first, we have to go to the Castle shop- we need a tent. If they don’t have one, we can always go to the Clothing shop and pick up some fabric.”
The Castle shop DIDN”T have any tents, though they DID have a lantern, some stones, and some firewood, along with wood to hold up the tent. We then went to the clothing store, and bought some fabric.
“Are we ready yet?” inquired Alex.
“Come on. Let’s go.”
“Oh, we’re off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of Oz. Because, because, because, because, because of the wonderful things he does. Oh, we’re off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of Oz!” We sang as we aproached the entrance.

________________________Chapter Nineteen_______
Cody had come back. Probably teleported. They probably hadn’s suspected a thing. I had tried to untie the ropes that bound my arms and legs together, but soon realized that it would only make the rope that held me up unsteady. I didn’t exactly want to fall to my death. He fead me. And then…
“Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh Oh my gosh Ohmygoshohmygosh!”
“I have to go tell Malistaire!”
“Tell him what?”

“Who even is the Wizard of Oz?”
“humans version of us.”
“Where’d he go…”

I had one more stop to make. I aproached the Death School. The ghost-like Malistaire (same magic as a crystal ball) rose from the Death School.
“Have you found anything yet?”
“Oh, I’ve found something all right!”

________________________Chapter Twenty________

“Oh, I’ve found something all right!”
“You know the signs that your daughter is nearby?”
“Well, I’ve found someone who meets many of them.”
“Really? Who are they?”
“They’re the boy I found, and trapped in Golem Tower.”
“Don’t harm them. Oh, and about that one Death boy…”
“I have a special assignment for you…”
I teleported back inside the tent. We had taken the Ice boy’s ‘Short Cut’. It was so long, we had to stay for the night. I didn’t seem that safe, either. I faked it so that it was like I was sleeping the whole time. I could smell some eggs cooking outside. I got up and exited the tent. They suspected nothing.
“Morning, sleepy head!” ‘Fiona’ greeted me. “Here. Have some breakfeast. We should get to the Well of Spirits today, according to Alex Moon.”


We FINNALY arrived at the Well of Spirits. I took one look at Garrett (that was his name), and knew something was up. I walked over to the pit know as ‘the well’ to see if anything important was in there. Then it happened.
Garrett ran over and shoved me in. Alex Moon tried to save me.

Finnaly I managed to get loose. I could sense where they were. The Well of Spirits. Krokatopia. I teleported.

When I arrived, I found Alex hanging in the well, off of an Ice Wizard’s hand. And I saw ‘me’ there trying too see both of them to their death. Alex slipped. And down he went.
The Ice Wizard escaped. Barely.
I turned around and looked at Fiona and Elizebeth. They were crying.
“See! I told you none of you could defeat me!”
I tried to get him down in the well, but he teleported before I could.
He was gone. And worst of all, Alex was gone.

_____________________Chapter Twenty-two_______
Alex Moon

We were in Merle Ambrose’s office. I STILL Can’t remember how we got there. He was going on about
“A trap? This has Malistaire written all over it. I wonder why Malistaire would do such a thing…?”
He then moved the books away from the door to the left of his desk. He opened the door. Things had gotten a whole lot more serious.

Merle Ambrose opened the door to the left of his desk. The one that was blocked by all of the books.
“I was afraid I would ever have to open this door.” he said.
“It contains the profecy. It is needed to be opened only in dark times. This is only the begining of Malistaire’s plans. It just goes to prove that it will be much worse then even the Titans could have predicted.”
“The Titans?”
“Yes. They built this room of wich we are about to enter, several thousand years before the house was.”
“How did they do that?”
“The room is magical.”
He opened up the door…

____________________Chapter Twenty-Three______
Alex Moon

He opened up the door… It was huge. A library full of books, scrolls, pictures, cards… You name it, it was there! The main feature was, along with the pedastal in the midlle, a huge stained glass window with some writing- probably Dragonspirean, or some early form.
“There it is. The Prophecy. We’re still trying to decode it. Er- a… It’s safe to come out now!”.
About 100 Fire Elves, Imps, Trolls, Manders, and Snow Serpants came out from behind the shelves.
“Wow.” was all we could say.
“These are the translators. They go through every book in the library, looking for something that might help them translate the Prophecy Scroll.”
“Wow.” was, once again, the only response we could make.
“Come on, I’ll have one of them give you the Grand Tour. Henry! I need you to give them the grand tour.”
A wizard as old as Merle Ambrose came out.
“Meet Henry. He’ll show you around.”
_________________Chapter Twenty-Four__________

“Well, there isn’t a lot to show you, other than the prophecy.”
“Could you show us what there there IS to show us?”
“All right, then. Here’s the only room here, the Library.” We then aproached the pedestal that was in the middle of the room. “Here is the prophecy. I’ll take you over to the table” he pointed towards a table up along the wall,”And show you the part of the prophecy we HAVE translated.
It read:
In the Times of Darkness, 6 heroes will be chosen. 1 will betray, and the other, lost. In the end they will defeat the great evil, but not all will be well. There will still be-
“That’s it?”
“Yep. There isn’t much more to translate, though.”
“Looks like they’re saying you guys are goint to defeat Malistaire!”

_________________Chapter Twenty-Five___________
“Us? Defeat Malistaire?”
“Yes. As far as we know, that’s what the prophecy says.”
“You mean- You expect us to defeat Malistaire?”
“You gus are out of your minds!” Fiona said, before she walked out of the room.
“You are to go to Dragonspyre. You will search for Malistaire, and defeat him.”
“You REALLY expect us to do that?”
“Yes. You can do it. The prophecy doesn’t choose the wrong people.”
“I’ll give you some time to think about it.”
As ‘Eliz’ and I walked home we thought, and talked, about the craziness.
“He REALLY expects us to defeat Malistaire.”
“He does. I know it’s crazy-“
“It isn’t JUST crazy! IT’S PURE INSANITY!”
We then aproached our house.
“All I can say…”
“Is it’s gonna be nice to sleep in my bed tonight!”

___________________Chapter Twenty-Six__________
“Did you sleep all right last night?”
“The best I have in my life.” I said.
“Good. What happened to you again?”
“Cody kidnapped me, and put me in Golem Tower.”
“And then he shoved Alex into the Well of Spirits.”
“He- Garrett? Could I have a word with you?”
We went up to the attic.
“What was he like?”
“He was one of Malistaire’s people. He- he found he was close to you.”
“You told him?”
“No. Malistaire had given him these ‘signs’, signs of being close to you.”
“I told you about how he has his people out there. You have to be more careful.”
“I know.”
“All right. Just be more careful.”
“Will do.”
As ‘Eliz’ and I went to Ravenwood, I ran into one of my friends, Luke SunHaven.
“Hey, Luke!” I said.
“Hey! What’s new?”
“I don’t even know where to begin. I got a new sister, I found a new friend, who was just killed by one of my classmates… I could go on forever.”
“I kind of understand what you mean. My mother just died, one of my friends just moved away to Firecat Alley,
Lots has happened.”
All the sudden Gamma flew up to me.
“Hurry! Headmaster Ambrose has found something that needs your imediate attention. You don’t have much time! Your friends are already there.”

__________________Chapter Twenty-Seven________
“What happened?”
“There’s no time for explaining.”
“Should I tell Mr. Wetheresfield?”
“Should I tell Proffesor Drake?”
“Don’t worry. I already notified your teachers- they know you’re here, though Proffesor Drake was a little grumpy with me, and said you’ve got a lot of homework, EXTRA homework, and lessons to make up.”
‘Eliz’ and I got on out brooms and beat Gamma to the Headmaster’s house. We went in, and saw Ambrose waiting in front of the door to the left of his desk. The door to the library.
“Come on, Come on! Hurry!” he said as we speed-walked past him.
We oppened the door to the library, and saw that everyone was crowding around the table that contained the translated prophecy. We decended the stairs into the library, and aproached the table. As it was against a wall, we were verry, verry, VERRY squished.
“Did you find anything?”
“Oh we found something, all right!” Henry said back to us.
“What is it?”
“It’s in the prophecy.”
“What about it?”
“It’s complete.”

I was in Malistaire’s office. He was not happy. Not like he was every happy after Sylvia died. He was even angrier then usual. I was hoping he wouldn’t take it out on me. Unfortunately, he did.
“I was certain he would not escape.”
“Of course. He’s Balance. It derives from all the schools. He must have summoned lightning to get the ropes untied, and then used Ice defences to safely land. We must be more careful next time.”
“Yes, I will.”
“He waved his wand, and I was gone. Nothingness. A soul without a body. A lost soul.

_________________Chapter Twenty-Eight__________

In the Times of Darkness, 6 heroes will be chosen. 1 will betray, and the other, lost. In the end they will defeat the great evil, but not all will be well. There will still be darkness through the land. it will come back many years after. after 2 of the heroes fall, 1 more will rise. The second time the great evil is defeated, 40 years later, it will be defeated by the child of one of the great heroes.
“Wow. Interesting prophecy.” said Eliz.
“Yes. Verry interesting.”
“So, we defeat Malistaire, he comes back, and 40 years later he’s defeated by all of us, and one kid. “
“And, who’sever’s kid it is, well, they don’t fight.:
“We’d better save up our gold!”
“To get to Dragonspyre.”
“But why can’t we take the world gate?”
“It get’s stuck on Dragonspyre. It’s being repaired now.”
“What are we going to ride to Dragonspyre?”
“The Grizlehiem Skyboat. We save up money, pay the bears, borrow the boat, and, well, you get it.”
“The question is: How are we going to get the money?”
__________________Chapter Twenty-Nine__________
“Oh, here. This should take care of that.” said Merle Ambrose, right before he handed us a huge sack of gold.
“That should last you a VERRY long time. Now, Gamma and I have to go. We have a staff meeting to go to. And don’t worry Elizebeth- I’ll talk to Cyrus Drake about all that work you have to make up.”
“Thanks. Thanks for everything.”
“Your welcome.”
We went off for Olde Towne. Well, it wasn’t a direct trip. We made a couple of stops in the shoping district to get some better gear. When we found that the gear wasn’t verry good, we decided to go to that ‘Newfangled Bazzar’, as my Mother called it. There were some verry good magic items there. And, Elik Silverfest (we later found he was the owner of Elik’s Edge) was VERRY nice.
“How may I help you?” he asked the second we walked in.
After we got the better gear, we walked down to the ‘Crafting Corner’ of Olde Towne, and talked to Baldur GoldPaws. We showed him all the gold we had for him, and he said: “Of Course you can borrow the SkyBoat! Just be careful…”
“Oh, we will!”

________________________Chapter Thirty_________
“Well, THAT was easy. You know. The easiest thing since…” started Allia. We started to laugh. First time we had been happy since…
“Well, NOW what do we do?”
“Well, We need food. We need blankets. more wood. To pack clothes… We need a lot of things.”
“Well, we still have a lantern, some cloth, and a LITTLE wood.”
“WELL, I don’t really know.”
We decided to head back up to the Bazzar. I mean, hey! Elik Silverfist IS pretty nice, and he DID have what we needed…
We opened the door.
Elik wasn’t there.
That was when we knew something wasn’t right.
_________________Chapter Thirty-One____________
We heard a noise coming from the closet. We opened it up, and found Elik, bound and gagged. We undid his binds, and took out the gag.
“The’re upstairs!” he wispered to us.
“Malistaire’s men. They’re doing this to all the houses, one by one. In two days, their dark plan will be done. Go now, defeat Malistaire. You’ll help us all. Don’t worry. I’ll run, and warn the others. Go! Go!”
He quickly gave us what we needed, and we ran for the SkyBoat with it, with fear Malistaire’s men would get to it first.
We quickly loaded our gear below deck, and launched.
We were heading for Dragonspyre.

I was worried. VERY worried. Worried I wouldn’t see my ‘Mom’ again.
I really hoped I would. But, unfortunately, all I could do was hope.


I didn’t want to admit it. Not even to myself. I was worried. Even through all I had been through, I was worried. I hoped that this ‘prophecy’ wouldn’t doom us even more than we were already.
I REALLY hoped.
But unfortunately, hoping was all I could do.
___________________Chapter Thirty-Two__________
I awoke to a crash. It sounded like we had arrived in Dragonspyre. I got out, as everyone else started waking up. I walked around and thought “Dragonspyre is even worse than it was last time I was here.”
I had made a mistake, and said it aloud.
“You’ve been here before?” somebody with an acent that could only be a Dragonspyrian one said.
“How did you make it out? And alive!”
“I wasn’t here long, so Malistaire didn’t know. I was here to help Merle Ambrose with something.”
“Merle Ambrose?”
“He was the Headmaster of the Dragonspyre Acedamy. When the Grizzlehiem explorers came, looking for some help, he joined them.”
“He’s now the headmaster of Ravenwood.”
“That traitor.”
“What do you mean?”
“Us Dragonspyrians- our culture is to always stay loyal to our world. To our family-“
Elizebeth wondered out of the crashed boat.
“Merle Ambrose is a traitor?”
______________________Chapter Thirty-Three______
All the sudden I heard a scream. And another scream. And one more that sounded- like- Alex. ‘Eliz’ and I ran for the SkyBoat.
Everyone was screaming.
Including a transparent version of Alex.
I screamed,too.
In 3rd Person-

Malistaire scowled at the news.
“WHAT! YOU LET WIZARDS COME HERE! I thought shutting down the Dragonspyre teleporter was enough, but oh, no. THEY GET HERE ANYWAY!!”
“It wasn’t our fault” said one of the guards. “They got on that ‘Baldur Goldpaws’s ‘boat.”
No one saw the sad, sad ghost of Sylvia Drake sobbing ghostly tears in the corner. All she could do was shake her head and cry.
_____________________Chapter Thirty-Four________

“A-a-a-lex? I-i-is that y-y-you?” I asked, nervously.
“I think so.” his ghostly form said.
“A-a-are you- a- ghost?”
“W-w-what happened to you?”
“I really don’t know. All I rember is- falling. I don’t remember anything after that.”
“Do you know who shoved you down?” I tested him.
“It was Garrett. Or should I say:Cody/Garrett. In other words, Cody kidnapped Garrett, disquised himself as Garrett, tagged along with us, and shoved you down into the Well of Spirits. He left after that. We don’t have any idea where he is.”
“Oh, and Alex Moon tried to save you.”
“I would never think that one of Greyrose’s students would try to save me. That Lydia- the proffesor has had a grudge against me ever since I set foot in Ravenwood. Ever since I was born. She didn’t quite like my family. Let’s just put it that way.”
“Okay. So Greyrose hates you, you came back from the dead, and we have no idea where we are.”
“We’re in Dragonspyre?” Fiona suggested.
“Other than that.”
____________________Chapter Thirty-Five_________

“I can tell you where.”
We looked where the voice came from, and saw a Drake. A ghost, of course. Unfortunately Malistaire’s realm of terror hadn’t stopped here. He wouldn’t stop untill the whole Spiral suffered.
And for what?
His wife.
I suddenly understood.
The only way to make him understand.
I knew it.
I realized I was toning the Drake out. I could then just- feel the words in my mind.
I just knew.
“I know exactly where to go. Thanks, Mother Drake.”
“Any time. Please, stop by another time. It gets quite lonely- Well- really anywhere in Dragonspyre. Ever since that evil wizard came”
“Do you know where he is?”
“The Great Spyre.”
“As I said before- any time.”

___________________Chapter Thirty-Six___________

That night, at camp, Fiona and I had a little talk.
“You don’t have to step up as leader, you know that, right?”
“It’s just like- I don’t know. Like I have to.”
“Well you don’t.”
I yawned.
“Let’s just- get some sleep.”
“Did someone say ‘sleep'”
“I couldn’t agree more.”
In 3rd Person-

Malistaire’s face turned a shade of red. A sign someone was going to pay for something they didn’t do. Typical.
“Now, Let’s not do anything drast” his chief advisor ‘advised’. “Just calm down. If you keep doing this, you will have no more people to help you.”
His workers ran away in terror.
Sylvia was still there, unoticed. Crying ghostly tears.

__________________Chapter Thirty-Seven__________

I woke up the next morning, and made breakfeast with the last of the food we had. I could tell it would be a long day, so I made a pretty big breakfeast. That way, we could just stop and eat the leftovers for lunch.
As I expected, EVERYONE was verry hungry.
After we ate, we packed up camp, and started using the Drake’s derections to get to The Great Spyre.
In 3rd Person-

“You told us not to interfere…”
“And now I’m telling you to interfere. NOW GO DO IT!”
“Yes, sir! or master? or-“
“I’m going to go do what you told us to do.”
__________________Chapter Thirty-Eight__________

We had to sneek through the Dragonspyre Academy. The ghostly form or Alex asked:
“Did the Ice School burn down?”
“Don’t worry. It’s not here. Just Fire and Death.”
“Actualy, the Fire proffesor at the Dragonspyre Academy is NOT Falmea, and is- well- dead. Along with everyone else. That’s why we have to do this.”
“Right. But still, THANK YOU FALMEA!”
I shrugged my head. There was no way you could get a Death student to stop something like that, especially not Alex.
“What did the Drake even tell you?” Garret asked.
“I’m not telling.”
I mouthed ‘becuase you-know-who will take charge!. I made sure HE knew what I said, and that SHE didn’t.
All the sudden we could see it. The Great Spyre. Of course, it WAS hard to miss. It was the biggest Archetectural achievement in Dragonspyre, and there were a lot of pretty big ones.
There was something else there. A HUGE dragon.
The Dragon Titan!
And something else- a shadow through one of the windows.
My hunch was: Malistaire.

____________________Chapter Thirty-Nine_________

“We need to get hidden. Fast. I think Malistaire saw us.”
“No doubt he did.” said Alex.
“That helped.”
“Thank you, thank you very much. I’ll be here all week.”
“Come on. WE NEED TO HIDE! Malistaire could see us. He’s no doubtedly sending people out after us right now.” Fiona wispered, trying to assume her position as leader.
“I agree with her.” Garrett said.
“Yup.” Alex said.
“Yeah, we should.” said Alex Moon in agreement.
It kept going on untill the whole group agreed with Fiona.
Untill I just could’nt take it anymore.
Then, all the sudden, two Draconians came down the spiral staircase that lead up to The Great Spyre. Many others were following suit, marching two by two.
“Like the Flying Monkees from the Wizard of Oz.” Fiona wispered.
“What’s a monkee?”
“Never mind that. Just- get over here.”
I pulled everyone into a safe hiding spot, just as the Draconians looked over where we were standing.
I heaved a sigh of relief.
______________________Chapter Fourty __________

“That was a close one!” Fiona said, too loud.
I couldn’t get her to stop talking in time. The Draconians saw us.
We decieded to run after that.
The Draconians were everywhere. We were trapped.
In 3rd person-

“I’m glad I won’t have to feed you to the Dragon Titan anyomre, my minions. You have done well.”
“yyyyyooooooooooouuuuuuuuuurrrrr’eeeeeeeeeeeee wwwwwwwwweeeeeeeellllllllllcooomimmmmmmmmmmmeeem MMMMMMMMaaaaaasttttttttttteeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrr.
All the sudden the alarms sounded. Someone had escaped.
__________________Chapter Fourty-One___________

All the sudden, the Draconians were back. They ran into the dungeon we were being kept in.
“What’s going on?” I asked one of them.
“susesuausssooommmmeeeeeonnooooooooonnnnnnnnee eee hassssssssssssss aeacesseessaacaapeeedddddd.”
“Why are you talking to THEM!? Prisonors!?” an older wizard said.
It looked like…
“Yeah, yeah. I could’ve died from you, you know.”
“I DID die because of you, you know.” Alex responded.
“Unlike you, I work for the leader, you traitors… YOU DESERVED IT.”
“Who are you calling a traitor?”
He completely ignored Alex.
“Malistaire shall soon summon the Dragon Titan, and will rule the spiral. And there’s NOTHING you can do about it.”
Alex’s ghostly form wet through the door, and touched the keys. They soon became as transparent as he was. He zoomed back, and inserted it in the lock.
“Hurry! Touch the key! All of you!”
We did just as he said.
I blacked out after that.
___________________Chapter Fourty-Two_________

We went through the strange teleporting process (Alex STILL screamed) that Fiona told us about, and we had went through on the way to The Oasis.
We were in a room deep, deep underground.
There was light. The small mushrooms and wierd droopy-looking flowers that hung from the dirt walls illuminated the space.
Everything I would want in my house if I could ever afford one.
I looked around.
As soon as my eyes had adjusted to the dim blue and green lights, I saw Garrett.
Not Good.

___________________Chapter Fourty-Three________

I looked over at Eliz and could tell that SHE had wanted to say it. SHE wated to save his life, possibly.
Then all the sudden Eliz fell over.
It was just Alex and I.
All the sudden I knew what had happened.
It was the mushrooms.
The mist that occasionaly would come out of them; the deep green light, not the light green, was highly poisinous to everyone exept life wizards.
AND spirits.
All the sudden, I knew what to do.
I cast a Satyr on them.
Didn’t work.
Didn’t work.
Didn’t work.
“Must I use this? I only have one in my deck; it’s so bad.”
“I’d try.”
I then used FAIRY on them.
They began to wake up.
Of all things, FAIRY saved them.
This was verry odd.
____________________Chapter Fourty-Four________

“What was?”
“I saved you guys with- with- FAIRY!”
“Umm… Aren’t you forgeting something?” Alex inquired.
“Oh, yeah. Here. Take these life charms.”
“What do they do?”
“Basicly make you a life wizard. You can cast our spells, AND will be imune to the mushroom- mist.”
“The mushroom mist?”
“That’s what made you gus black out.”
“Very good, my pets.” a transparently projected Cody said. “But not good enough. You have not yet escaped.”
“OH YEAH! Watch us.”
Then, we all cast a spell.
Alex: Banshee.
Me: Judgement.
Eliz: Cyclops.
Fiona: Seraph.
They all attacked the same part of the dirt wall.
Cody was no longer there.
All the sudden, with a loud creaking sound, a portion of the wall gave way, and we found a secret staircase.
“Who’s laughing now, Cody” I thougt.
____________________Chapter Fourty-Five_________

“I think we know where to go now!”

We started up the staircase.
It winded around, just like the main staircase for The Great Spyre. We decieded that this must be underneath it.
“What are we going to do after we get to the top of the staircase? It OBVIOUSLY leads to an area that’s filled to the brim with Draconians.”
“It most likely leads to the main hall. It’s in the middle of the building; so it’s not likely to be guarded.” Garrett explained.
“Okay. We keep going, get to the hall, and then what!?”
“Take the next flight of stairs up to where Malistaire is.”
“The Mother Drake told me, when we just arrived here, that Cyrus Drake would be here.”
“Well, at least we could get his help?” Garrett offered, unsure of himself.
“All I need to do to be happy is shove Cody off a cliff into a pit of lava.” Alex said. “Oh, and not have Greyrose hate my family anymore.”
“Fair enough. We can do that when we’re done.”
“Looks like we’ve got company…”
A swarm of 7 Draconians were heading right for us.
____________________Chapter Fourty- Six_________


“Okay. I can do that!”
We ran right into them. We pulled out our wands and started dueling.
I summoned Judgement.
Eliz, Orthurus?!!
“How am I casting AN OTHERUS!!??”
Then, all the sudden, A Hydra came when I was summoning a scarab.
The next time a cast a spell, fireballs started shooting out of the sky, hiting each Draconian.
It kept on happening.
Alex couldn’t cast anything other than scarecrow, and of course, his minion.
Fiona kept summoning Seraph, Treewalker, Centaur…
Alex Moon summoned Frost Giant.
AND Colosus.
“THIS IS WIERD!!” I had to scream in order to be heard over all the noise.
Then, one Draconian went down.
A second.
A third.
The remaining ones flew away.
We kept on going.
Eventually it stopped. There was a door on the by-now low ceiling.
We opened it.
We climbed up.
We Were in The Great Hall of The Great Spyre.

_____________________Chapter Fourty-Seven______
“Okay… Now what do we do?”
“I don’t really know.”
“We COULD just go up the stairs and say ‘hi!’ to Malistaire right before I own him with the power of Death. OR we could shove Cody of a cliff and into a burning pit of lava! Both sound pretty fun to me!”
“Okay… Let me rephrase that. Now what are we going to do?”
“Well, it’s obvious that Malistaire is upstairs, right?”
“And the only two Crystal Looking-glass balls in the Spiral are here, and in Merle Ambrose’s house, right?”
“Crystal Looking-glass balls?”
“Why, it’s elementary, my dear Watson, as Sherlock Bones would say. They are simalar to crystal balls. The differences however are, that you can talk through them. The two are linked. They haven’t been used in a long time, so as soon as Merle Ambrose heres his Crystal Looking-glass ball is being ‘summoned’, it’ll be answered quickly.”
“So, where is it?”
“Unlike YOU, I brushed up on my Dragonspyre history before we came here. In the little time we had.”
“SO! Where is it?”

_____________________Chapter Fourty-Eight_______

“Well, then, where is it?!”
“Right over there.” He pointed across the room towards what resembled an attempt to make a lounge for all of Malistaire’s ‘slaves’ as the Draconians called themselves.
It was a Crystal on a tall pedestal. The ball itself was swirling with muted colors.
Alex aproached it, and nothing happened.
Then Fiona did.
It lit up green.
Alex Moon.
Light Blue.
A large variety of colors swirled around untill it finnaly turned tan.
“Okay, it seems to work best for you, so…”
“I get it. You want ME to use it.”
“Okay,okay. Fine. Time to get out that guidebook again! I just KNEW it would come in handy!”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just do it!”

____________________Chapter Fourty-Nine________
Merle Ambrose’s face appeared in the ball, as I will now call it.
“We’re only a floor below Malistiaire. What should we do?”
“Good job, young wizards!”
“YOUNG!” Alex screamed.
“You need to go up there and defeat him!”
“I was afraid you’d say that…”
“It’s the prophecy. It’s what you’re destined for. And, speaking of the prophecy, there’s something you should know…”
“I don’t exactly think we can here it now, we have some company.”
________________Chapter Fifty_________
3 Onies, one fire, another Ice, and the third, Storm stood towering above us. We started franticly casting spells at them.
When they were defeated, 4 undead wizards took their place. They were a little tougher.
Finally, we had a little rest. After our rest, we dashed around the long, elaborage halls in search of Malistaire. It seemed more like a huge labyrinth then just a few halways.
We wondered if we would ever get there.
Then, finally, we found the worker’s elevator. As you could kind of guess from the name, the builders used it while constructing the architectural masterpiece.
We took it up and finally found the RIGHT maze of halways. Though we were in the right spot, it was just as dificult of a maze as the last one. Finnaly we found Malistaire.
____________________________Chapter 51 ___________________________________
There he was. Malistaire. The most feared wizard in the spiral.
“What? How did YOU get in here!!!!!?? THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!! GUARDS!!”
Cyrus Drake then apeared.
“Brother, please, please stop all of this! Sylvia would be saddened if she knew what you’ve been doing! She wanted you to continue leading a good life, not hurt and end others!”
“CYRUS! Stop. Stop all this nonscense.”
“I will not stop untill you do with all your shananigins.”
Cyrus was then swept into battle.
“Fiona?! Alexes- what do we do? Eliz? Do you have a plan?”
“I think I do. Fiona! race into battle! Cyrus will need a lot of healing. Alex Moon- get into battle as well, he will need great defences. Hmm… That’s three people…Garrett! You join in, too. Alex- as a spirit you can guide everyone.”
“What will you do?”
“I’ve heard of a battle with 5 people on one side, but never seen one. It is a great risk. But I’ll take it.”
“Where did you hear that?”
“I’ve read a lot of dusty old books.”
As everyone was in the battle besides Eliz, she approached. All the sudden there was a cloud of dust- yellow dust. The purest form of magic.
As the sparkling dust cleared, Eliz appeared. She was all right! It didn’t look like it’d be for long, however.

_____________________Chapter Fifty-Two_________________________
We were lucky we had Fiona on our side, or we would’ve been gone allready. Cyrus wasn’t looking too good, however. All the sudden, I cast Helping Hands, the solo balance healing spell. I didn’t even know how I did it, but I did.
Then all the sudden, we were all able to cast our highest spells. Malistaire didn’t look as sure of himself as he had before.
“Umm.. Gaurds?!”
2 Draconians teleported into the battle. Full 2400 health, Malistaire’s chief minion Draconians. This didn’t look good.
All the sudden, a projected and 3 dimensional image of my mother as a child apeared.
“DADDY STOP!” the poor thing wailed. Wait a minute- wasn’t that what I was just thinking about?
Then Sylvia appeared. She was transparent, yet still visible. Sort of like Alex, but less visible than him.
“Malistaire stop. I diddn’t want all of this for you. I wrote a letter for you before I- left. Died.”
Malistaire gasped.
“That one? I thought it was a fake!”
“I wanted the best for you. I didn’t want this to happen.”
There were tears before Malistaire turned as transparent as Sylvia and then…
My mother?
_______________________________Chapter Fifty-Three________________________
“And who are you?”
“In case you forgot, I am your daughter, Elizebeth Drake.”
“What- Elizebeth? I- I thought you were gone for good.”
“Well here I am to prove you wrong.”
“Bu-bu- what happened to you? How did you dissapear?”
“I didn’t ‘dissapear’. I ran away. You were deserting everyone. Your students, Merle Ambrose,
Uncle Cyrus, and even me. I ran away for my own good.”
“Elizebeth- I- I- I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for any of this to happen.”
Even with this going on, the draconnians were still fighting us. I thought they’d have stopped by now.
“I-I I can’t cast anything else” said Fiona. That did not sound good. A grandmaster unable to cast a spell?
“I don’t think I can either,” said Alex Moon.
I tried to cast Power Nova like I did before. Nothing happened.
“I’m unable to cast any spells as well.” I said.
Not good. Only two of us against the two chief minion draconnians, the draconnians that were so dangerous, they could count as 12. Only two of us fighting them, Alex and Eliz.

___________________________Chapter 54____________________
“I-I-I can’t cast anything either,” Alex told us grimly. Eliz was the only one who could fight. Malistaire was too busy with Sylvia and my Mother to do anything about his minions.
Eliz cast a spell- Medusa I believe- that no one even knew existed.
“Wow! I didn’t know I could do that!”
One of the Draconians didn’t look to good. Then, Ortherus was cast, and he was gone before it even finished the attack.
One down, one to go. Things were looking pretty good!
The ground around us started shaking and we all knew she was casting earthquake- or was that- Fire Dragon? That was interesting! We looked and saw Dalia Falmea at our side helping us.
Then Triton?
Last but not least, Cyrus Drake came. All of the teachers were here to help us, and with all of this, we easily finished the Draconnian off.
_________________________Chapter Fifty-Five_____________

“Ah, Eliz. You’ve got a TON of make-up work to do by now. And lessons to do, extra homework, but we’ll get to that later. This is the only time in a very long time that the Great Spyre has been safe enough for us to be able to come.
“As you can imagine, we’ve got a VERY long list of things that Malistaire took and that need to be retrieved. Arthur Wethersfield, though, does not have a list as there is no balance school at Ravenwood to even have things stolen from. But, you’ll receive all of THESE lists of things to find and bring back,” said Cyrus Drake as he began handing 6 long lists of things that needed to be found and brought back,”and don’t dawddle! Maybe, if you don’t take forever, I could take away some of that extra work that you have to make up, Eliz. But don’t count on it if you can’t bring everything back within a certain ammount of time. What? You expected US to go get it? Well, actually some of my fellow proffessors are mentally troubled enough to actually WANT to help you, but I persuaded them not to. Anyways, take these lists, and start finding things!”
“Before you leave, I would like you to know that I’ve decided to donate nearly all of my gold to build a new Death school on Ravenwood, and buy the best that it can have. I was foolish to take the Death school away from Ravenwood, and don’t think I can bring it back. Here, brother Cyrus, take all of this to Ambrose and tell him I want a new Death school built. The rest of my gold I give to my beautiful daughter, Elizabeth Drake.” Malistaire said before we left.
“Okay now, go and find those things!” Cyrus said.
We could here all of the teachers reconnecting with Sylvia and Malistaire. It must have been eons since they had seen each other.
We started off to find them.

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